OCR A Level Computer Science

1.3: Exchanging Data

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1.3.1a: Lossy vs Lossless compression.
Exchanging Data
Compression ratioThe ratio of the size of the original data to the size of the compressed data, which is a measure of the effectiveness or the efficiency of a data compression algorithm or a data compression technique.
Data compressionThe process of reducing the size of a data file or a data stream in order to save storage space, reduce transmission times, or improve performance.
Lossless compressionA type of data compression that preserves all of the information or the quality of the data, but achieves a lower compression ratio, and that is typically used for compressing text, binary, or executable data.
Lossy compressionA type of data compression that sacrifices some of the information or the quality of the data in order to achieve a higher compression ratio, and that is typically used for compressing audio, video, or image data.
RedundancyThe property of a data file or a data stream that contains repeating or correlated information, or that contains information that can be predicted or inferred from other information, without affecting the meaning or quality of the data
1.3.1b: Run length encoding and dictionary coding for lossless compression.
Exchanging Data
Dictionary codingA lossless data compression technique that uses a codebook to encode the data file or the data stream, and that replaces the original data with a sequence of tokens or codes that represent the data in a more compact or more efficient form.
Lossless compressionA type of data compression that preserves all of the information or the quality of the data and that is typically used for compressing text, binary, or executable data.
Run-length encodingA lossless data compression technique that uses the repeated values or the repeated patterns in a data file or a data stream to reduce the size of the data by replacing a sequence of identical values or patterns with a single token or code that specifies the value or the pattern, and the number of repetitions or the length of the sequence.
1.3.1c: Symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Exchanging Data
Asymmetric encryptionA method of encryption that uses public and private keys to encrypt or decrypt data without needing a shared password
Ciphertexta message that can only be read with a password
Decodingusing an algorithm to represent data back into its original form without needing a secret or password
Decryptionan algorithm that uses a secret in order to convert a ciphertext message back into a plaintext message
Encodingusing an algorithm that represents data in a different form without using a secret or password
Encryptionan algorithm that uses a secret in order to convert a plaintext message into a ciphertext message
Plaintexta message that is readable without needing a password
Symmetric encryptionA type of encryption which requires a password to be shared before data can be decrypted
1.3.1d: Different uses of hashing.
Exchanging Data
1.3.2a: Relational database, flat file, primary key, foreign key, secondary key, entity relationship modelling, normalisation and indexing.
Exchanging Data
1.3.2b: Methods of capturing, selecting, managing and exchanging data.
Exchanging Data
1.3.2c: Normalisation to 3NF.
Exchanging Data
1.3.2d: Interpret and modify SQL
Exchanging Data
1.3.2e: Referential integrity.
Exchanging Data
1.3.2f: Transaction processing, ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), record locking and redundancy.
Exchanging Data
1.3.3a: Characteristics of networks and the importance of protocols and standards.
Exchanging Data
1.3.3b: The internet structure:The TCP/IP Stack.DNS; Protocol layering; LANs and WANs; Packet and circuit switching.
Exchanging Data
1.3.3c: Network security and threats, use of firewalls, proxies and encryption.
Exchanging Data
1.3.3d: Network hardware.
Exchanging Data
1.3.3e: Client-server and peer to peer.
Exchanging Data
1.3.4a: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Exchanging Data
1.3.4b: Search engine indexing.
Exchanging Data
1.3.4c: PageRank algorithm.
Exchanging Data
1.3.4d: Server and client side processing.
Exchanging Data