OCR A Level Computer Science

1.3.1a: Lossy vs Lossless compression.

Exchanging Data
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Compression ratioThe ratio of the size of the original data to the size of the compressed data, which is a measure of the effectiveness or the efficiency of a data compression algorithm or a data compression technique.
Data compressionThe process of reducing the size of a data file or a data stream in order to save storage space, reduce transmission times, or improve performance.
Lossless compressionA type of data compression that preserves all of the information or the quality of the data, but achieves a lower compression ratio, and that is typically used for compressing text, binary, or executable data.
Lossy compressionA type of data compression that sacrifices some of the information or the quality of the data in order to achieve a higher compression ratio, and that is typically used for compressing audio, video, or image data.
RedundancyThe property of a data file or a data stream that contains repeating or correlated information, or that contains information that can be predicted or inferred from other information, without affecting the meaning or quality of the data
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