
5b: Use selection (if-elif-else statements) to control the flow of program execution

Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
conditionan expression which can be calculated into an answer of either True of False
elifprogramming statement which only runs the next block if a condition is met but all other linked conditions haven't been met
elseprogramming statement which runs the next block of code if no other linked conditions have been met
executionrunning a program on a computer
expressioncombination of values, variables, operators and function calls
ifprogramming statement which only runs the next block of code if a condition is met
program flowthe order in which the program runs each line (which might not be just top to bottom in order)
selectionstatements in code which tell a program which code to execute next by checking if a condition has been met
Keyword games: