
5a: Write programs that display messages, receive keyboard input, and use simple arithmetic expressions in assignment statements

Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
algorithmstep by step instructions to solve a problem (which may or may not involve a computer)
arithmetic expressiona calculation using mathematical operators like add, subtract, division or multiplication
assignmentsetting the value of a variable
identifierthe name of a variable
inputdata that goes into a program (e.g. something you type in on a keyboard)
outputinformation that comes out from a program to the real world (e.g. a message on the screen)
programan algorithm that's written in code so it can be run on a computer
statementa line of code that tells a program what to do
valuethe data stored in a variable
variablea named location in memory which can store a value. The value can change when the program runs.
Keyword games: