
HT1: Media

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1a: Understand the purpose and uses for mood boards
coloursused on a mood board to express emotion or appeal to a particular target audience
fontsdifferent types of text used on a mood board to appeal to different target audiences
imagesused on a mood board to help designers get ideas from other similar creative products
layoutthe way a mood board is laid out can help generate ideas and boost creativity
mood boardpre production document used to help generate ideas and concepts for a new creative media product
1b: Understand the purpose and uses for mind maps
central ideathe theme of a mind map that everything else links to
linkslines between nodes and sub nodes which show how ideas are connected and structured
mind mappre production document used to show development routes and options for an idea or to plan parts and resources needed for a creative media product
nodemain ideas linking out from the central idea that break it up into different parts to make planning easier
sub nodeideas that form part of an existing part of the mind map, allowing you to organise everything in a clear structure
whitespaceparts of the paper around the mind map that aren't filled in
1c: Understand the purpose and uses for visualisation diagrams
annotationsexplanations written on a visualisation diagram to describe design decisions
graphicsdigital artwork showing a mock up of what the final design will look like
imagessketches showing what the final design will look like
logosdesigns for company branding that will appear on a final design
textwords sketched out to show colour, typeface and effects on a visualisation diagram
visualisation diagrampre production diagram used to plan what a still image or graphic will look like
1d: Understand the purpose and uses for storyboards
storyboardpre production document used to plan out each scene of a video or animation
1e: Understand the purpose and uses for scripts
camera movementdescription of how a camera moves during a scene (pan, tilt, zoom or tracking)
charactersnames or descriptions of people who feature in a scene
dialoguecontent, intonation, volume and emotion of any speech within a scene
directiondescription of what happens in the scene
formattingthe way the script is laid out to make it easy to understand by the actors and director
locationthe place where a video will be filmed
scriptpre production document used to plan a video production, voice over, comic book or computer game
shot typedescription of how close the camera for a scene (close up, mid or long)
soundsdescription of any audio that will be heard during a scene
1f: Review mood boards, mind maps, visualisation diagrams, storyboards or scripts and suggest improvements
clarityhow easy to read and understand a pre production document is
clientthe person or organisation paying the designers to make a media product
formatthe width and height of the pre production document
mind mappre production document used to organise ideas to help plan a media product
mood boardpre production document used to generate ideas, boost creativity and generate a feel for a media product
scriptpre production document used to plan exactly what is said, heard and done in a game, animation or film
storyboardpre production document used to plan out each scene of a film, animation or game
stylethe layout and use of colour and font in a pre production document
suitabilityhow suitable a pre production document is for the client or target audience
target audiencethe people who will use the final media product
visualisation diagrampre production document used to sketch out how digital artwork will look
1g: Understand the properties and limitations of file formats for still images, audio, moving images including video and animation
file formatthe way a file is encoded which affects its size and quality
gifcompressed image file format which supports animation but not sound
jpgcompressed image file format suitable for photos
mp4video file format suitable for films and animations
pdffile format suitable for sharing documents which can be opened on almost any computer
pnguncompressed image file format which supports transparency
tiffuncompressed image file format suitable for high quality images for printing
1h: Be able to identify appropriate file formats for pre-production documents and final products in line with client requirements
file formatthe way a file is encoded which affects its size and quality
gifcompressed image file format which supports animation but not sound
jpgcompressed image file format suitable for photos
mp4video file format suitable for films and animations
pdffile format suitable for sharing documents which can be opened on almost any computer
pnguncompressed image file format which supports transparency
tiffuncompressed image file format suitable for high quality images for printing
1i: Be able to use suitable naming conventions including version control and organisational requirements
naming conventiona rule to follow when choosing the name of a file which might include the date, description and version number
organisational requirementrules within a company such as making sure all files are backed up regularly or contain the name of the designer
version controlsaving multiple copies of a file at different points in time so that previous versions can be recovered