
HT3: Web Development

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3a: Describe what HTML is.
Web Development
BrowserSoftware which allows you to browse the World Wide Web
HTMLHyper text markup language (the language used to describe the contents of web pages)
ProtocolA set of rules to allow communication over a network
Tagpart of a HTML document which describes the content or structure of a web page
The InternetAn international network of interconnected computer networks
WWWThe World Wide Web (content that you can view in a web browser on a computer which is connected to the Internet)
3b: Use HTML to structure static webpages.
Web Development
<a>HTML tag for a hyperlink
<h1>HTML tag for a main heading / title
<h2>HTML tag for a sub heading
<img>HTML tag for an image
<li>HTML tag for an individual item on a numbered or bullet point list
<ol>HTML tag for a numbered list
<p>HTML tag for a paragraph
<ul>HTML tag for a bullet point list
attributeextra detail stored within a HTML tag
tagpart of a HTML document which describes the content or structure of a web page
3c: Modify HTML tags to improve the appearance of webpages.
Web Development
<b>HTML tag which can be used to make text bold
<h1>HTML tag for a main heading on a webpage
<i>HTML tag which can make text italic
<u>HTML tag which can make text underlined
attributeadditional details stored within a HTML tag
HTMLthe language used to describe the content and structure of a web page
tagpart of a HTML document which describes the content or structure of part of a web page
3d: Display images within a webpage.
Web Development
heightattribute which tells the browser the vertical size of an image
imgHTML tag used to display images
srcattribute which tells the browser where to find the image to display
urlthe universal resource location (web address) of the image to display
widthattribute which tells the browser the horizontal size of an image
3e: Apply HTML tags to construct a webpage structure from a provided design.
Web Development
<body>tag which contains all visible content on a web page
<h1>tag used to display text as a title / heading
<head>tag which contains metadata like the page title, key words and other data which isn't visible on a web page
<html>tag which contains all other tags on a web page
<img>tag used to display images
<p>tag used to break text into paragraphs
3f: Describe what CSS is.
Web Development
CSScascading style sheets used to set the appearance of a web page
formattingthe appearance and layout of a webpage
HTMLhyper text markup language used to set the content and structure of a web page
tagpart of a web page that you can apply a style to
3g: Assess the benefits of using CSS to style pages instead of in-line formatting.
Web Development
CSScascading style sheets used to set the appearance of web pages
inlinesetting rules for individual parts of a HTML page
linktelling a web browser to use a separate CSS file to set the appearance of a HTML file
pagea HTML document
stylerules that determine the appearance of each part of a web page
style sheeta CSS file which sets the appearance of different parts of a web page
3h: Describe what a search engine is.
Web Development
browsersoftware that allows you to browse the Internet
internetworldwide interconnected network of networks
search enginea website that allows you to look up and find other websites
web pageindividual HTML resource that you can access via the Internet
websitegroup of web pages all linked together
world wide webpart of the internet that allows you to view web pages
3i: Explain how search engines crawl through the World Wide Web and how they select and rank results.
Web Development
linka way of going from one web page to another related page
metadatakeywords, date, author and related information that can describe the contents of a web page
search enginewebsite which allows you to find the most relevant websites and pages
search engine optimisationthe process of trying to get your webpage to appear higher in search engine results
sitemapdescription of all the pages that make up a website and how they link together
web crawlersoftware which runs constantly, mapping out how webpages link to each other
World Wide Webpart of the Internet that allows you to browse HTML web pages
3j: Analyse how search engines select and rank results when searches are made.
Web Development
advertspeople or businesses can pay for their webpages to appear at the top of search rankings
daterecently updated web pages appear higher in search rankings
domain namethe first part of the web address
inbound linksgetting other web pages to link to your web page can improve your search ranking
mobile friendlyweb pages that can be viewed on mobile devices appear higher in search rankings
outbound linkslinking to other web pages can improve your search ranking
rankthe order in which web pages results appear when you search
relevanceweb pages that contain key words or phrases that match what you searched for appear higher in search rankings
reviewsbusinesses or products with good reviews may appear higher in search rankings
search enginewebsite that allows you to find the most suitable web pages
secureencrypted web pages appear higher in search rankings
sourceweb pages from trusted or popular domains appear higher in search rankings
URLuniform resource locator which is the online address of a webpage or file
3k: Use search technologies effectively.
Web Development
andoperator that allows you to limit search results to only include webpages that contain two things that you type in
natural languagea search query that is more like a human question than a combination of keywords and phrases
notoperator that allows you to narrow down search results to exclude certain results
oroperator that allows you to widen search results to include webpages that contain either of two things that you type in
phraseusing quotation marks to search for an exact match of a sequence of words
querywhatever you type in to search for
search enginewebsite that allows you to find other web pages relevant to your query
search resultsthe webpages that are shown when you search
3l: Discuss the impact of search technologies.
Web Development
communicationadvantage of search technologies where people can share information and files with each other
convenienceadvantage of search technologies where time is saved by being able to find relevant information quickly
cyberbullyingusing digital tools to intimidate, threaten or mock someone
malwaremalicious software that is designed to do harm
ransomwaretype of malware that encrypts your files without your permission and demands payment before you can access them again
spywaretype of malware that secretly tracks user activity and shares personal information
trojan horsetype of malware that tricks people into installing something harmful
virustype of malware that, when you run it, can spread to replicate itself and infect other computers
wormtype of malware that can spread to replicate itself and infect other computers even without being run on your computer
3m: Create hyperlinks to allow users to navigate between multiple webpages.
Web Development
hyperlinka link from one web page to another
navigateopen or follow a link to a web page
urluniform resource locator which is the web address of a web page
web browsersoftware used to view web pages
webpageHTML page that can be viewed in a web browser
3n: Discuss the impact of networking technologies and services.
Web Development
accessibilitysome online services are much easier for disabled people to access than a physical shop/service
collaborationonline services allow people to work together without being physically in the same room
communicationonline services allow people to talk to each other without being physically in the same room
exclusionpeople may not have access to the Internet and so won't be able to use online services
networkinglinking together computer systems so that they can send and receive data
privacyonline services use sensitive personal information which some people don't want to share
servicea website or server that provides access to something useful online