
4: Spreadsheets

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4a: Identify columns, rows, cells, and cell references in spreadsheet software
cell referencetells you the location of a cell within a spreadsheet
cellsspaces in a spreadsheet that hold data
columnvertical collection of cells
rangecollection of more than one cell in a spreadsheet
rowhorizontal collection of cells
spreadsheetrows and columns of data that you can edit and process
4b: Use formatting techniques in a spreadsheet
backgroundthe colour and style used to fill in a cell in a spreadsheet
bordersthe colour and style of the lines around cells in a spreadsheet
conditional formattingchanging the appearance of a spreadsheet based on the data in each cell
foregroundthe colour and style used to display data in a cell in a spreadsheet
formattingthe appearance and style of a spreadsheet
4c: Use basic formulas with cell references for calculations in a spreadsheet (+, -, *, /)
-operator that you can use in a formula to do subtraction
*operator that you can use in a formula to do multiplication
/operator that you can use in a formula to do division
+operator that you can use in a formula to do addition
cella space that can hold data in a spreadsheet
cell referencethe location of a cell in a spreadsheet involving the column letter and the row number
formulaan expression starting with = that can be used to calculate the value in a cell
spreadsheeta collection of cells organised into rows and columns so you can edit and process data
4d: Use the autofill tool to replicate cell data
autofillintelligently copying the values or formulae from one cell into other cells
datanumbers, text or other information in a cell
formulaan expression used to calculate out the value in a cell
formulaemore than one formula
replicatemake a copy
valuea number that's been entered into a cell
4e: Explain the difference between data and information
datatext or numbers that haven't been organised or put into context to give them meaning
informationtext or numbers that have been organised or put into context to give them meaning
4f: Explain the difference between primary and secondary sources of data
datafacts and figures that have not been organised or processed
InformationFacts and figures that have been organised so that they have meaning
news articleexample of a secondary source that you can use to find data
Primary source dataData that you have collected and that you are using yourself
Secondary source dataData that somebody else collected and that you are using
user surveyexample of a primary source that you can use to collect data
4g: Collect data
biaswhere a survey question unfairly leads people to a particular response
branchingwhere people see different questions in a survey depending on their previous answers
closed questiona survey question where people have limited options to choose from for their answer
likert scalewhere people choose answers to multiple statements from options between two extreme responses
open questiona survey question where people can write whatever they like for their answer
polla survey where people's answers to questions can be collected and analysed
4h: Create appropriate charts in a spreadsheet
bar charta type of chart that is ideal for comparing values for different categories of data
chart titlea description of what the whole chart shows
legenda description of what the different colours or sections of a chart show
line charta type of chart that is ideal for plotting how a value changes over time
pie charta type of chart that is ideal for comparing proportions of data
scatter charta type of chart that is deal for plotting the relationship between two values
x axis labela description of what the horizontal axis of a chart shows
y axis labela description of what the vertical axis of a chart shows
4i: Use the functions SUM, COUNTA, MAX, MIN, and AVERAGE in a spreadsheet
AVERAGEspreadsheet function which works out the mean value from a range of cells
cell referencethe location of an individual cell in a spreadsheet
COUNTAspreadsheet function which counts how many cells in a range are not empty
functiona useful piece of code within a formula that can calculate and return a value
MAXspreadsheet function which works out the largest value from a range of cells
MINspreadsheet function which works out the smallest value from a range of cells
parameteran input to a function such as a value, range or cell reference
rangemultiple values from more than one spreadsheet cell
SUMspreadsheet function which adds up each value in a range and returns the total
valuean individual number or data item in a spreadsheet cell
4j: Analyse data
comparisonanalysing the difference between two or more items of data
conclusiona summary of what you have found that data shows after you've analysed it
outlieran item of data which doesn't fit the general trend or pattern of the rest of the data
predictionan estimate of what you think data will show before you analyse it
trenda general pattern or relationship which most of the data follows
4k: Use a spreadsheet to sort and filter data
ascendingordered from smallest to largest
descendingordered from largest to smallest
filtershowing or hiding data based on their values
includestype of filter that shows all data that contains a value
matchestype of filter that shows all data which is the same as a value
sortarranging data into order based on their values
4l: Use the functions COUNTIF and IF in a spreadsheet
boolean expressiona question based on the value of a cell which can only be answered by either True or False
COUNTIFspreadsheet function which counts how many values in a range match a certain criteria
criteriaa condition that data has to match in order to be counted or included
IFspreadsheet function which displays one of two values depending on the value of a cell
rangemore than one cell in a spreadsheet
4m: Use conditional formatting in a spreadsheet
borderthe style of the outline of a cell
cella space for data in a spreadsheet
conditional formattingchanging the colours and style of cells based on the values in each cell
fillthe background color of a cell
fontthe style of text in a cell