
1: Collaborating Online

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1a: Remember the rules of the computing lab
Collaborating Online
independencewhen you can find an answer for yourself before asking for help
keyboardinput device used to type on a computer
mouseinput device used to move a pointer around the screen on a computer
network accountstores your files, folders and settings so you can log into any computer on a network
resiliencewhen you keep on trying even when you find something difficult
respectwhen you listen and follow instructions
sanctionswhat happens when you break the rules
1b: Create a memorable and secure password for an account on the school network
Collaborating Online
log inget access to a computer network
password hinta clue to help you remember your password that doesn't give it away to anyone else
privatenot letting anyone else see or know something
strong passwordhard to guess password (e.g. mix of numbers, punctuation, lowercase and uppercase letters)
usernamea unique ID for each user on a network
weak passwordeasy to guess password (e.g. 12345)
1c: Find personal documents and common applications
Collaborating Online
applicationa program that you can open on a computer
documenta file containing work that you or someone else has created
filedata stored on a computer which has a name that should describe what is stored
foldera way of organising files into groups
hardwarethe physical parts of a computer that you can touch
softwarethe programs that run on a computer that you can see on the screen
1d: Plan effective presentations for a given audience
Collaborating Online
animationhow things move, appear or disappear on a slide
audiencethe people who will view a presentation
multimediaa mix of images, text, sound, video
presentationa document which can contain multimedia slides, transitions and animations
purposethe aim of a presentation
slidea single screen of information (text / images / colours / video)
transitionhow one slide changes into the next slide
1e: Construct an effective email and send it to the correct recipients
Collaborating Online
blind carbon copywhen you send a copy of an email to someone without any other recipients knowing their email address
carbon copywhen you send a copy of an email to someone in a way that their email address is shared with all other recipients
emaila way of sending electronic messages over the Internet
etiquetterules for how to communicate to make the best possible impression on people
forwardwhen you send an email you've received on to someone else
recipienta person who will receive an email
replywhen you send a response back to the person who has emailed you
subjecta short description of what an email is all about
1f: Recognise a respectful email
Collaborating Online
introductionthe first paragraph which summarises why you're getting in touch
salutationthe way you start an email by putting the recipients names
shoutingwhen people type in CAPITAL LETTERS
spell checka tool which identifies/corrects words which might be written incorrectly
tonethe positive or negative emotion that the words of an email create
valedictionthe way you sign off at the end of an email (e.g. Many thanks or kind regards)
1g: Describe how to communicate with peers online
Collaborating Online
offlineworking or communicating without using technology
onlineworking or communicating using technology
peersyour friends, family or co-workers
reportflagging online content as inappropriate so that it can be dealt with
social mediauses the Internet to send and receive messages to other people
the internetan interconnected network of networks which allows people and computers to communicate almost anywhere in the world
the world wide webuses the Internet to interact with web pages in a browser
1h: Check who you are talking to online
Collaborating Online
anonymouswhen someone's identity is kept secret
avatardigital image that represents someone online
catfishingusing a fake profile to start a friendship or relationship online
geotaggingstoring GPS location data in a file (e.g. image or video)
identitywho someone actually is in real life
privatecommunicating in secret
profiledetails stored about a user which may or may not be accurate
publiccommunicating in a way that other people can see or hear
usernamethe name a user has chosen or been given for their online account
1i: Describe cyberbullying
Collaborating Online
bullyinghurtful language or behaviour which continues even after the perpetrator has been asked to stop
ceoporganisation who you can contact to report online abuse and exploitation
childlineorganisation you can contact anonymously for advice and support
cyberbullyinghurtful language or behaviour which takes place online
perpetratorthe person doing the bullying
reportingtelling someone who can help
victimthe person being bullied
1j: Explain the effects of cyberbullying
Collaborating Online
bannedwhen someone is prevented from logging into an online service any more
blockedwhen you prevent someone from contacting you any more
criminal recordwhen the police and courts find someone guilty of breaking the law
digital footprinta record of what you have done online that can be used to track your activity
permanent recordwhen something stays accessible forever
prosecutionwhen the police get involved to investigate a criminal offence
supportwhen someone is befriended or helped by others
temporary recordwhen something is only accessible for a limited amount of time