iMedia R093

2.5: Media codes used to convey meaning, create impact and/or engage audiences

Factors influencing product design
Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
Animationcreating meaning, impact or engagement by making things move
Camera angleschoosing to place a video camera above, below or level with the subject being filmed to create meaning or impact.
Camera movementchoosing how to pan, tilt or track a camera to create meaning, impact or engagement
Camera shotschoosing how far away to place a video camera from the subject being filmed to create meaning or impact
Dialoguecreating meaning, impact or engagement by making things talk
Font sizean aspect of typography which determines how large or small each character is
Font typean aspect of typography which determines the style of each letter: serif (with ticks and flicks) or sans serif (without decorative ticks and flicks)
Interactivitycreating engagement by allowing the user to change how a media product moves or behaves
Lighting intensitychanging how brightly something is illuminated to create meaning, impact or engagement
Lighting positionchanging where lights are placed in order to create meaning, impact or engagement
Mise-en-sceneeverything that appears on stage or camera (such as props, actors, lighting and costumes)
Music genrecreating meaning, impact or engagement by playing a specific type of music
Silencecreating meaning, impact or engagement by having time without any sound
Transitionsthe way that one scene changes to the next (such as fade, wipe, dissolve or cut)
Typography emphasiswhether text is shown in bold, italic or underline
Vocal intonationcreating meaning, impact or engagement by changing the way dialogue is spoken
Keyword games: