iMedia R093

2.2: Client requirements and how they are defined

Factors influencing product design
Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
Audienceclient requirement which specifies the type of people the media product is aimed at
Client ethosclient requirement which specifies the values and priorities of the company or individual who is commissioning the media product
Commission briefType of client brief where a larger company asks a smaller company to do part (or all) of the work to create a media product on their behalf
Contentclient requirement which specifies what the media product will contain
Formal brieftype of client brief where all of the requirements are clearly written down and agreed on by the client and media company
Genreclient requirement which specifies the style and layout conventions based on the category of media product
Informal brieftype of client brief where the requirements for a media product are discussed rather than written down in advance
Negotiated brieftype of client brief where the production company makes suggestions to the client as well as listening to their requirements
Purposeclient requirement which specifies what the media product is trying to achieve
Styleclient requirement which specifies look and feel of the media product
Themeclient requirement which specifies what the media product is all about
Timescalesclient requirement which specifies the start and end date along with milestones and deadlines for the creation of a media product
Type of productclient requirement which specifies whether a media company will make a game, video or anything else
Keyword games: