Edexcel GCSE Computer Science 2020

2: Data

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2.1.1: understand that computers use binary to represent data (numbers, text, sound, graphics) and program instructions and be able to determine the maximum number of states that can be represented by a binary pattern of a given length
datavalues which can represent numbers, text, sound or graphics
graphicsdata where each value represents the colour of an individual pixel
number of bitshow many binary 0s and 1s are needed to store a value
number of statesthe difference between the largest and smallest value which can be stored
program instructionvalue which represents part of an algorithm which a computer can execute
sounddata where each value represents the amplitude of an audio signal at a particular moment in time
textdata where each value represents a different character
2.1.2: understand how computers represent and manipulate unsigned integers and two's complement signed integers
least significant bitthe bit furthest to the right of a binary value
most significant bitthe bit furthest to the left of a binary value
signed integera whole number which can be either positive or negative
two's complementa way of using binary to represent signed integers
unsigned integera whole number which is greater than or equal to 0
2.1.3: be able to convert between denary and 8-bit binary numbers (0 - 255, -127 - 128)
binaryway of representing data used by computers (base 2)
bitsingle one or zero
bit valuethe amount each bit is worth when working out a binary number
bytecombination of 8 ones or zeros
denaryway of representing numbers used by most humans (base 10)
two's complement binaryway of representing positive or negative numbers where the most significant bit for an 8 bit value is worth -128
unsigned binaryway of representing numbers so that the least significant bit on the right is worth 1 then each bit doubles in value as you move to the left
2.1.4: be able to add together two positive binary patterns and apply logical and arithmetic binary shifts
arithmetic shift leftexactly the same as a logical shift left but may result in a value flipping between positive and negative if an overflow occurs
arithmetic shift rightcopying the most significant bit on to the left of a binary value and discarding the bits on the right. Divides a signed or unsigned number by 2
binary additionadding two binary values together
carryan extra 0 or 1 which needs to be used when the result of a binary addition is more than 1
logical shift leftadding zeros on to the right of a binary value and discarding the bits on the left. Multiples the value by 2
logical shift rightadding zeros on to the left of a binary value and discarding the bits on the right. Divides the value by 2
2.1.5: understand the concept of overflow in relation to the number of bits available to store a value
number of bitsthe number of individual 0s and 1s used to store a value
overflowa type of runtime error which occurs when a value is too big to be stored with the number of bits available
valuea number which can represent data or an instruction
2.1.6: understand why hexadecimal notation is used and be able to convert between hexadecimal and binary
binarya way of representing values which uses 2 different characters (0 and 1)
byte8 bits in binary or 2 characters in hex
denarya way of representing values which uses 10 different characters (0-9)
hexadecimala way of representing values which uses 16 different characters (0-9 plus A-Z)
nibble4 bits in binary or 1 character in hex
2.2.1: understand how computers encode characters using 7-bit ASCII
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
characterindividual letter, symbol or digit
character setway of encoding text by using a number to represent each character
encodeway of converting data from one form into another
2.2.2: understand how bitmap images are represented in binary (pixels, resolution, colour depth)
bitmap imagea way of representing pictures by splitting it into a grid of pixels and storing the colour of each pixel separately
colour depththe number of bits used to represent the colour of an individual pixel
pixelan individual coloured dot that makes up a picture
resolutionthe number of pixels per inch
2.2.3: understand how analogue sound is represented in binary (amplitude, sample rate, bit depth, sample interval)
amplitudeindication of how loud or quiet a sound is when it is sampled. Distance up or down from the horizontal axis on a diagram showing sound.
analogue sounda continuous audio signal
bit depththe number of bits used to record each sample
digital soundan audio signal that has been sampled at regular intervals
sample intervalthe time between each sample (1 / sample rate)
sample ratethe number of samples recorded every second (measured in Hz)
2.2.4: understand the limitations of binary representation of data when constrained by the number of available bits
audio qualityhow accurate an audio recording sounds
available bitsthe number of bits that can be used to store an individual pixel or audio sample
high frequencysounds with a high pitch that are lost in low quality audio recordings
pixellatedhow you describe the look of a bitmap image when you can see individual pixels rather than a detailed picture
quantization errorthe difference between a digitally sampled audio signal and the original analogue signal
2.3.1: understand that data storage is measured in binary multiples (bit, nibble, byte, kibibyte, mebibyte, gibibyte, tebibyte) and be able to construct expressions to calculate file sizes and data capacity requirements
bitindividual 0 or 1
byte8 bits
gibibyte1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes
gigabyte1,000,000,000 bytes
kibibyte1024 bytes
kilobyte1,000 bytes
mebibyte1024 x 1024 bytes
megabyte1,000,000 bytes
nibble4 bits
tebibyte1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes
terabyte1,000,000,000,000 bytes
2.3.2: understand the need for data compression and methods of compressing data (lossless, lossy)
data compressionalgorithm that reduces the number of bits needed to store data
jpglossy compression algorithm used for images
lossless compressioncompression algorithm which can be reversed without any loss of quality or data
lossy compressioncompression algorithm which cannot be reversed without losing some of the original quality or data
mp3lossy compression algorithm used for sound
run length encodinga form of lossless compression that represents each value and the number of times it repeats in order to attempt to reduce the size of a representation of data
ziplossless compression algorithm used for any type of data