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6a: Describe what the micro:bit is.
Keyword | Definition |
LED | light emitting diode |
microbit | credit card sized programmable computer with a 5x5 grid of LEDs |
physical computing | writing code that controls robotics and using sensors, lights and other electronic components |
python | high level text based programming language |
repl | read evaluate print loop that lets you type in commands one at a time |
6b: List the built-in components for output and input.

Keyword | Definition |
accelerometer | an input sensor which can detect motion and the direction of gravity |
button | an input device which can be pressed to trigger events in your code |
compass | an input device which can be used to measure which direction the microbit is pointing |
input | a sensor that allows a microbit to read data in from the world around it |
LED | an output device which can light up |
light sensor | an input device which measure how light or dark the area around the microbit is |
microphone | an input sensor which detects changes in air pressure so can measure and record sound |
output | a device that allows a microbit to send information to the world around it (e.g. light or sound) |
pins | connectors on the microbit which can be used to connect to other devices |
radio | an input and output device which can be used to send and receive data to and from other microbits nearby |
speaker | an output device which can play sounds, music or speech |
temperature sensor | an input sensor which can measure how hot or cold the microbit is |
touch pin | an input device which can be used to detect when someone touches a certain part of the microbit |
USB interface | a connector on the microbit which can be used to connect it to a computer |
6c: Select hardware components that are fit for purpose.
Keyword | Definition |
battery | a power source for an electrical circuit |
breadboard | a component with a grid of holes which let you connect components together without needing to solder them |
buzzer | an output device which makes a beeping noise when part of an electrical circuit |
hardware | physical components like input sensors or output devices |
moisture sensor | input device which uses the way water conducts electricity to measure how wet or dry soil is |
motor | output device which can make something spin round and round |
resistor | an electrical component which restricts the flow of electricity around a circuit |
servo | output device which can spin round to point in any direction |
speaker | an output device which can turn electronic signals into sounds, music or speech |
transistor | an electronic component which can work as an amplifier or digital switch |
6d: Use selection and iteration to control program execution flow.
Keyword | Definition |
execution | running a program on a computer |
iteration | instructions in a program which are repeated multiple times |
program | step by step instructions that can be run on a computer |
selection | instructions in a program that have to make a choice about which instruction to execute next |
sequence | more than one instruction in a program that are executed in a specific order |
6e: Use variables and data structures to keep track of information.
Keyword | Definition |
data structure | a variable which can store more than one value (such as a list) |
list | a data structure which can store multiple values in a specific order |
list index | the position of a value within a list |
variable | a named memory location which can store a value which might change when a program runs |
variable identifier | the name of a variable (which should describe what it stores) |
variable value | the data stored in a variable |
6f: Write programs that interact with the physical world
Keyword | Definition |
input | sensors which read data or measure values |
output | devices which move, light up, transmit data or make a noise |
physical world | anything we can see, touch or sense around us |
process | algorithms which decide what to do with inputs and outputs to control something |
6g: Write programs that use the micro:bit's built-in output devices.
Keyword | Definition |
animation | multiple images displayed one after another |
LEDs | light emitting diodes which can light up in a grid to make a picture |
microbit | programmable computer which can read inputs and control outputs |
output | a device or component which can light up, move or make a noise |
program | step by step instructions which can be run on a computer |
radio | wireless transmission from one microbit to another |
6h: Write programs that use the micro:bit's built-in input devices.
Keyword | Definition |
accelerometer | an input sensor which can detect motion or the direction of gravity |
button | a switch that can be pushed to trigger events in a program |
compass | an input sensor which can detect which way the microbit is facing |
input | sensors or devices which can measure or read data into a program |
microbit | programmable computer which can read inputs and control outputs |
program | step by step instructions which can be run on a computer |
radio | a device which can be used to send and receive data to and from other microbits |
touch pin | an input device which can detect when someone touches a certain part of the microbit |
6i: Write programs that use the GPIO pins for input and output.
Keyword | Definition |
GPIO | general purpose input and output pins that can be used to connect to and control other components |
input | reading data into a program from external components |
output | send data out from the program to external components |
pin | an electrical connector which can be used to send or receive data from external components |
program | step by step instructions that can be run on a computer |
6j: Write programs that exchange messages wirelessly.
Keyword | Definition |
protocol | set of rules used when sending and receiving data so that all devices can understand what the data means |
radio | using electromagnetic waves to send and receive data without needing wires between two devices |
range | the maximum distance radio messages can travel whilst still being correctly detected |
receive | reading data from another device |
send | transmitting data to another device |
6k: Combine features to develop solutions to meaningful problems.
Keyword | Definition |
analysis | part of developing a solution that involves working out exactly what the problem is and who needs to use your solution |
design | part of developing a solution that involves breaking down each stage of the plan and working out what needs to be tested at each stage |
evaluation | part of developing a solution where you review what worked well and what needs improving |
implementation | part of developing a solution where you write the code |
testing | part of developing a solution where you compare what your code does with what it should do |
6l: Call functions and use the results they return in expressions.
Keyword | Definition |
expression | part of a line of code which combines values, operators and function calls |
function | a reusable part of a program with its own name, that calculates and returns a value |
function call | the code that tells the function to actually run |
function definition | the code that determines what a function does when it is called |
operators | special symbols (like add, subtract, divide or multiply) which can be used in expressions to perform calculations |
parameter | data that is passed into a function to customise what it does |
return value | the data which is passed back out to the code which called a function |
6m: Use an IDE to write and execute a Python program.
Keyword | Definition |
execute | running code on a computer |
IDE | integrated development environment (a program which lets you write, run and debug code) |
program | step by step instructions which can be run on a computer |
python | a high level text based programming language |
syntax highlighting | code that is displayed in different colours based on what each part of the code means |
6n: Locate and correct common syntax errors.
Keyword | Definition |
debugging | finding and fixing errors in code |
indentation | how many spaces or tabs are on the left of a line of code |
line numbers | numbers on the left of each line of code which help you find error messages |
syntax error | a problem with code which prevents code from running at all because the code breaks the rules of the programming language |
6o: Use an IDE to write Python programs for the micro:bit.
Keyword | Definition |
debug | finding and fixing errors in code |
IDE | integrated development environment (a program that gives you all the tools you need to write, run and debug a program) |
microbit | a programmable computer with loads of inputs and outputs that can be used to control physical devices |
program | step by step instructions that can run on a computer |
python | a high level text based programming language |
REPL | read evaluate print loop (used to write and run individual lines of code and see the result of each one) |
step | choosing to run code one line at a time rather than all of them in quick succession |
6p: Test and debug Python programs for the micro:bit.
Keyword | Definition |
actual outcome | a detailed description of what really happens when you test part of a program |
debug | finding and fixing errors in code |
expected outcome | a detailed description of what should happen when you successfully test part of a program |
flash | checking the code using a physical microbit so you can see if it works in real life |
python | a high level text based programming language |
simulate | checking the code without using a physical microbit so you can quickly debug any problems |
test | comparing what a program should do with what it actually does |
6q: Combine components to solve meaningful problems.
Keyword | Definition |
input | reading data into a computer program |
iteration | running instructions more than once |
output | sending data out of a computer program |
process | making calculations based on inputs to determine what the outputs of a program will be |
selection | running instructions to determine which instruction should be executed next |
sequence | running multiple instructions in a specific order |
6r: Design a physical computing artifact purposefully.
Keyword | Definition |
control | the decisions and calculations your device needs to make as it runs |
input | the data your device will collect or measure |
output | the way your device will display or log its results |
physical artifact | a device which interacts with the real world |
purpose | what your device needs to be able to do |
stakeholder | the person or people who will use your device |
6s: Implement the design of a physical computing project.
Keyword | Definition |
analysis | part of the development process where you describe exactly what problem your project is trying to solve and who will use your solution |
design | part of the development process where you write down exactly what needs to happen in each part of your solution |
evaluation | part of the development process where you describe what has worked well and what can be improved |
implementation | part of the development process where you write your code |
testing | part of the development process where you compare what you code should do with what it actually does |
6t: Decompose the functions of a physical computing system.
Keyword | Definition |
decomposition | breaking down a problem into smaller parts so that each part is easier to solve |
function | high level overview of what a computer program needs to be able to do |
physical computing system | a device which uses inputs and outputs which interact with the real world |
success criteria | a detailed list of things that a computer program must do |
6u: Test, revise, and refine the design of a project.
Keyword | Definition |
debug | finding and fixing errors in code |
iterative design | making and improving different versions of a project until you reach a final version |
prototype | a partially working version of a project |
test | comparing what a project should do with what it actually does |