
HT4: Data Representation

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4a: Describe how digital images are composed of individual elements
Data Representation
bitmapa digital image which is described by a grid of coloured pixels
digitalsomething that has been represented using binary 0s and 1s
elementthe simplest building block or part
imagea digital picture
pixela picture element which describes the colour of a small part of an image
vectora digital image which is described by shapes of different sizes and colours
4b: Recall that the colour of each picture element is represented using a sequence of binary digits
Data Representation
bita binary digit (0 or 1)
bit sequencea pattern of more than one bit where each bit represents a different part of some data (e.g. different pixels in an image)
bitmapa type of digital image that is represented by a grid of coloured pixels
colourdifferent wavelengths of light that the human brain interprets as different hues of the rainbow
pixela picture element which is a small coloured dot that makes up part of a bitmap image
representationa way of describing something (using binary 0s and 1s to describe a digital image)
vectora type of digital image that is represented by shapes of different colours and sizes
4c: Define key terms such as 'pixels', 'resolution', and 'colour depth'
Data Representation
bitan individual binary digit of 0 or 1
bitmapa type of digital image that is represented by a grid of coloured pixels
colour depththe number of bits used to represent individual colours in a digital image.
digital imagea picture that has been created or converted so that it can be represented by binary 0s and 1s, so that it can be stored or displayed on a computer
pixelan individual picture element which makes up a single coloured dot in a grid to form part of a digital bitmap image
resolutionthe total number of pixels in a bitmap image which is calculated by the width x height
vectora type of digital image that is represented by shapes of different sizes and colours
4d: Describe how an image can be represented as a sequence of bits
Data Representation
bita single binary digit of 0 or 1
bitmap imagea digital image represented by a sequence of bits which describe the colour of each pixel in a grid going from the top left, row by row, down to the bottom right
pixela single picture element (a coloured picture dot that makes up part of a digital bitmap image)
vector imagea digital image represented by a sequence of bits that describe instructions to draw shapes in specific colours, coordinates and sizes
4e: Describe how colour can be represented as a mixture of red, green, and blue, with a sequence of bits representing each colour's intensity
Data Representation
blacka lack of colour which is made up of an absence of any visible light
bluea colour (with the shortest wavelength and highest frequency) of light visible to humans
coloura property of visible light which is interpreted by the human brain as different shades/hues of the rainbow
colour intensitya measure of the brightness or dullness of a colour
greena colour (with wavelength and frequency in the middle) of light visible to humans
reda colour (with the longest wavelength and lowest frequency) of light visible to humans
visible spectrumthe range of colours that a human eye can detect (all the colours of the rainbow)
whitea colourless light that is made up of an equal intensity combination of visible light at all wavelengths within the visible spectrum
4f: Compute the representation size of a digital image
Data Representation
bitindividual binary digit (0 or 1)
colour depththe number of bits used to represent any of the colours in an image
heightthe number of pixels found in one column up or down a bitmap image
pixelan individual picture element made up of a single coloured dot
representation sizea measure of how many bits are needed to represent an image (calculated by width x height x colour depth)
resolutionthe number of pixels in a bitmap image (calculated by width x height)
widththe number of pixels found in one row across a bitmap image
4g: Describe the trade-off between representation size and perceived quality for digital images
Data Representation
colour depththe number of bits used to represent any colour in a digital image. A higher colour depth will appear to use more realistic or natural colours but will require more bits to be stored or transferred
digital imagea picture which has been represented by binary 0s and 1s
perceived qualityan indication of how detailed an image appears to the human eye
representation sizethe total number of bits needed to represent a digital image
resolutionthe total number of pixels used in a bitmap image (calculated by width x height). A higher resolution will appear more detailed but will require more bits to be stored or transferred.
trade-offa balancing act where an improvement in one area will mean another area suffers
4h: Perform basic image editing tasks using appropriate software and combine them in order to solve more complex problems requiring image manipulation
Data Representation
brusha tool used to draw on an image
cropslice off some of the edges of an image
exportsave an image from graphics editing software
file formatthe type of file used to export a digital image (e.g. JPG or PNG)
importload an image into graphics editing software so that it can be edited
layersseparate images that can be drawn on top of each other without destroying the pixel data from overlapping areas
transformchanging an image to scale, rotate, move or flip it
4i: Explain how the manipulation of digital images amounts to arithmetic operations on their digital representation
Data Representation
arithmetic operationa mathematical calculation (like adding, subtracting, dividing or multiplying)
eraserubbing out part of an image (or setting the opacity of the pixels to 0)
grayscalean image where all pixels are different shades of gray (or the red, green and blue values for individual pixels are all the same)
image manipulationchanging the colours of pixels within a digital image
opacitythe opposite of transparency (fully opaque means not at all transparent)
pixelan individual picture element which is a single coloured dot in a bitmap image
4j: Describe and assess the creative benefits and ethical drawbacks of digital manipulation
Data Representation
creative benefitbeing able to do something with software that looks great
digital manipulationusing software to edit something on a computer
ethical drawbacksomething that can cause moral or psychological harm
realismhow natural, accurate or realistic an image appears
4k: Recall that sound is a wave
Data Representation
frequencya measure of how many times a sound wave goes up and down each second
soundvibrations that can be detected by a human ear and are interpreted by the brain as noise, speech or music
vibrationschanges in air pressure that can cause sound
wavesomething that oscillates (goes up and down) in a predictable pattern
wavelengtha measure of the distance between two peaks of a sound wave
4l: Explain the function of microphones and speakers as components that capture and generate sound
Data Representation
analogue signalan electronic signal where the voltage could be any value rather than just on or off
componentelectronic device that makes up part of a gadget or computer
digital signalan electronic signal made up of 0s (voltage switched off) and 1s (voltage switched on)
microphonea device which converts the changes in air pressure caused by sound into an electronic signal where the voltage changes instead
speakera device which converts an electronic signal into sound by moving the air so it vibrates at the frequency as the changes to the electronic signal's voltage
4m: Define key terms such as 'sample', 'sampling frequency/rate', 'sample size'
Data Representation
amplitudehow loud or quiet a sound is at any moment in time
basssounds with a low frequency that sound low pitched to humans
Hertzthe unit used to measure frequencies (meaning one per second)
samplea measurent taken of the amplitude of a sound wave at a particular moment in time
sample sizethe number of bits needed to represent each individual sample
sampling frequencythe number of samples taken every second
treblesounds with a high frequency that sound high pitched to humans
4n: Describe how sounds are represented as sequences of bits
Data Representation
amplitudea measure of how loud or quiet a sound is at any moment in time
audio streama sequence of bits that represents sound by describing the amplitude of each sample in turn
bitan individual binary digit (0 or 1)
bit ratethe number of bits that are needed to represent each second of sound
sample ratethe number of samples recorded every second
sample sizethe number of bits that are need to represent each individual sample
4o: Calculate representation size for a given digital sound, given its attributes
Data Representation
bitindividual binary digit (1 or 0)
byte8 bits
kilobyte1000 bytes
megabyte1000 kilobytes
recording lengththe duration of a recording of a sound wave
sample ratethe number of samples of a sound wave taken every second
sample sizethe number of bits used to represent each sample of a sound wave
sound sizethe number of bytes needed to store a sound. Calculated by: sample rate (in Hz) x sample size (in bits) x recording length (in seconds) / 8 (because there are 8 bits in a byte)
4p: Explain how attributes such as sampling frequency and sample size affect characteristics such as representation size and perceived quality, and the trade-offs involved
Data Representation
perceived qualitythe more closely the digital representation of a sound matches the original analogue sound wave, the better quality the sound will appear to people listening
representation sizethe number of bytes needed to store or transfer an audio recording
sample sizethe number of bits used to represent each sample of a sound wave. A higher value means the digital representation is closer to the original analogue sound but the recording will take up more bytes of storage.
sampling frequencythe number of samples of a sound wave taken every second. A higher value means the digital representation is closer to the original analogue sound but the recording will take up more bytes of storage.
trade-offa balancing act where improving one thing will have a negative effect elsewhere
4q: Recall that bitmap images and pulse code sound are not the only binary representations of images and sound available
Data Representation
bitmap imagea way of representing images by describing the colours of individual pixels in a grid
MIDI soundMusical Instrument Digital Interface (a technique for representing sound by describing the length and pitch of musical notes)
PCM soundPulse-Code Modulation (a technique for representing sound by sampling the amplitude of sound waves at regular intervals)
vector imagea way of representing images by describing the size and position of coloured shapes
4r: Define 'compression', and describe why it is necessary
Data Representation
compressionreducing the number of bits required to represent data (such as sound or images)
lossless compressionan algorithm that can reduce the number of bits required to represent sound or images without any reduction of quality
lossy compressionan algorithm that can significantly reduce the number of bits required to represent sound or images by reducing the quality in a way that can't be reversed