
2h: Identify the steps of the investigative cycle

Data Science
Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
AnalysisStep 4 of the investigative cycle where you visualise the data to spot any patterns, trends, correlations or outliers
ConclusionsStep 5 of the investigative cycle where you are now able to use your data analysis to answer your research question
DataStep 3 of the investigative cycle where you gather the data and cleanse it to remove anything inaccurate
Investigative cycleFour step process that you can use in data science to go from predictions to conclusions
PlanStep 2 of the investigative cycle where you predict an answer to the question and make a plan to collect or access the data
ProblemStep 1 of the investigative cycle where you define the problem that needs to be solved and pose questions that can be investigated
Keyword games: