
2d: Describe the function of the hardware components used in computing systems.

Computing Systems
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CPUcentral processing unit that fetches, decodes and executes instructions
GPUgraphics processing unit that controls what is displayed on a screen
hard disk drivetype of storage device which stores data and instructions even when the power is switched off.
inputtype of device which sends data into a computer from the outside world (e.g. mouse)
outputtype of device which receives information from a computer and shares it with the outside world (e.g. printer)
processa calculation which can turn input data into useful information
RAMvery fast type of storage device which only stores data and instructions while the power is switched on (everything is lost when the power is off)
solid state drivefast type of storage device which stores data and instructions even when the power is switched off.
storagetype of device which saves data so that it can be processed or displayed later
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