
5: Programming

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5a: Compare how humans and computers understand and carry out instructions
algorithmstep by step instructions to solve a problem (with or without a computer)
ambiguousnot completely clear (with more than one possible meaning)
computera combination of hardware and software which can run programs and process data
executeto run a command or follow an instruction
instructiona command that can be followed
programstep by step instructions that can be executed on a computer
unambiguouscompletely clear (with only one possible meaning)
5b: Recognise that computers follow the control flow of input/process/output
computercombination of hardware and software that can run programs and process data
control flowthe stages of how data goes into a computer, is processed and then comes out as information
inputdata that goes into a computer from another device or sensor
outputinformation that comes out of a computer system into the real world or another device
processcalculations that are performed on data to turn it into useful information
5c: Define a sequence
algorithmstep by step instructions to solve a problem (which doesn't have to be followed by just by a computer)
executeto run a program or follow an instruction
instructionan individual command that can be executed by a computer
programan algorithm that can be run on a computer
sequencea list of more than one instruction that can be carried out in a specific order
5d: Predict the outcome of a simple sequence
inputthe data that goes into a program (e.g. what the user types in)
outputthe end result of running a program (the information it displays or stores at the when it runs)
predictestimate what a program will do
processthe calculations that a program performs when it runs
sequencea list of more than one instruction that can be executed in a specific order
5e: Modify a sequence
Actual resultwhat an algorithm actually does
Algorithmstep by step instructions to solve a problem
Desired resultwhat you want an algorithm to do
Logic errorwhen the actual result of an algorithm doesn't match the desired result (it doesn't do what you want it to do)
Modifymake changes to a sequence of instructions so that they will do something differently
Orderthe arrangement in which instructions are executed (from first to last)
Sequencemore than one instruction that will be executed in a specific order
5f: Define a variable
data typewhether the variable stores a number, some text or any other type of data
identifierthe name of a variable (e.g. score)
valuethe data that is stored in a variable (e.g. 100)
variablea name that refers to data being held by the computer (a storage location in a computer with a name that you can use to change or see what's stored there)
5g: Predict the outcome of a simple sequence that includes variables
identifierthe name of a variable
outcomethe end result of running a program
predicttrace through an algorithm to work out what it would do if you were to run it as a program
sequencemore than one instruction that will be run in a specific order
valuethe data that is stored in a variable
variablea named memory location in a computer which is used to store a value
5h: Trace variables within a sequence
inputthe data going into a program
outputthe end result of a program which is sent out to the user or a different device
processcalculations that are performed on data to turn it into useful information
sequencemore than one instruction which will be executed in a specific order when a program runs
traceworking out exactly what each instruction in a sequence of instructions will do by going through each one in order and seeing what would happen at each stage
variablea named location in memory which stores a value. The name stays the same but the value might change when a program runs.
5i: Make a sequence that includes a variable
assignset or change the value of a variable
decrementdecrease the value of a variable by one
identifierthe name of a variable
incrementincrease the value of a variable by one
sequencemore than one instruction that will be executed in a specific order when a program runs
valuethe data that is stored in a variable
variablea named location in memory that can store a value. The value might change when a program runs but the name stays the same.
5j: Define a condition
boolean expressiona question with an answer of either true or false
boolean valueeither true or false
conditionan expression that will be evaluated as either true or false
evaluatereplacing variables with their values and performing all operations necessary until you're left with a single value
expressionvalues and or variables combined using operators or functions
functionnamed section of code which processes an input and returns an output. e.g. average(1,2,3) is a function which returns the average value (2) of the input (1, 2 and 3)
operatora symbol that performs an operation such as + (add) or - (subtract)
5k: Identify that selection uses conditions to control the flow of a sequence
conditionan expression that will be evaluated as either true or false
flowthe order in which instructions are executed
selectionwhen an algorithm has to make a choice about what to execute next
sequencemore than one instruction which will be executed in a specific order
5l: Identify where selection statements can be used in a program
elseselection statement that will execute a different block of code if a condition has not been met
ifselection statement that will only execute a block of code if a condition has been met
programstep by step instructions to solve a problem that can be run on a computer
repeat untilselection statement that will cause a block of code to keep executing until a condition is met
selection statementinstruction that tells a program to make a decision about what to do next
whileselection statement that will cause a block of code to keep executing as long as a condition is met
5m: Modify a program to include selection
conditionan expression that will be evaluated as either true or false
expressionvalues and or variables combined using operators or functions
functionnamed section of code which processes an input and returns an output. e.g. average(1,2,3) is a function which returns the average value (2) of the input (1, 2 and 3)
modifychange a program
operatora symbol that performs an operation such as + (add) or - (subtract)
programstep by step instructions that can be executed on a computer
selectionwhen a program has to make a choice about what to execute next based on a condition
5n: Create expressions that use arithmetic operators (+ - / *)
-arithmetic operator which performs subtraction
*arithmetic operator which performs mutliplication
/arithmetic operator which performs division
+arithmetic operator which performs addition
arithmetic operatora mathematical operator which can perform addition, subtraction, division or multiplication
expressionvalues and or variables combined using operators or functions
functionnamed section of code which processes an input and returns an output. e.g. average(1,2,3) is a function which returns the average value (2) of the input (1, 2 and 3)
operatora symbol that performs an operation such as > (greater than) or - (subtract)
5o: Create conditions that use comparison operators (>,<,=)
<comparison operator which checks if the first value is less than the second value
=comparison operator which checks if two values are the same as each other
>comparison operator which checks if the first value is greater than the second value
comparison operatora type of operator which compares two values
operatora symbol that performs an operation such as + (add) or - (subtract)
5p: Create conditions that use logic operators (and/or/not)
ANDlogic operator which combines two conditions. The result will only be true if both conditions evaluate to true
conditionan expression that will be evaluated as either true or false
evaluatereplacing variables with their values and performing all operations necessary until you're left with a single value
expressionvalues and or variables combined using operators or functions
logic operatora type of operator that can combine or change conditions using AND, OR or NOT
NOTlogic operator which inverts a condition so it becomes the opposite of its original value (true becomes false and false becomes true)
ORlogic operator which combines two conditions. The result will be true if either or both condition evaluate to true
6a: Define iteration
executedmaking an instruction happen when you run a program
for loopa type of iteration which repeats a set of instructions a certain number of times
instructionscommands that are executed by a computer when a program runs
iterationexecuting a group of instructions repeatedly
while loopa type of iteration which repeats a set of instructions as long as a condition is met
6b: Detect and correct errors in a program (debugging)
algorithmstep by step instructions which describes how to solve a problem (which may or may not be able to run on a computer)
buga problem with code which makes the program not work as it should
debugfinding and fixing errors in code to make the program work properly
programan algorithm that is entered into a computer so that it can be executed
tracestepping through each line of code to see what happens
variablea named location in memory which stores a value. The value can change when the program runs but the name stays the same.
6c: Identify where count-controlled iteration can be used in a program
count controlled iterationrepeatedly executing a set of instructions a certain number of times
executemaking code run on a computer
incrementincreasing the value stored in a variable by 1
programan algorithm that has been turned into code so it can be run on a computer
6d: Implement iteration in a program (count-controlled and condition-controlled)
condition controlleda type of iteration which makes a set of instructions execute repeatedly until a condition is met
count controlleda type of iteration which makes a set of instructions execute a certain number of times
instructionsblocks or lines of code which can be executed in a program
iterationrepeatedly executing a set of instructions
programan algorithm which has been turned into code that can be executed on a computer
6e: Design a sequence that includes variables (write an algorithm)
algorithmstep by step instructions to solve a problem (with or without a computer)
assignmentsetting the value stored in a variable
identifierthe name of a variable
sequencemore than one instruction that are executed in a specific order
valuethe data stored in a variable
variablea storage location in memory that has been given a name. The memory can store a value which can change when a program runs.
6f: Define a subroutine
callthe instruction to actually make a subroutine execute
definitionthe code which tells the program what to do when a subroutine is executed
parametersthe data going into a subroutine that can be used to customise what it does or how it works
subroutinea custom block of code which can be re-used and given a name to simplify larger programs
6g: Define decomposition
abstractionhiding parts of a problem to focus on the most important details to solve part of a problem
decompositionbreaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable subproblems
problemthe thing that a program is trying to achieve when it runs
subproblema smaller part of what a program is trying to achieve when it runs
subroutinean example of decomposition where a large program has been broken down into smaller reusable sections of code
6h: Decompose a larger problem into smaller subproblems
abstractionafter you have decomposed a problem into smaller parts you can ignore the details from other subproblems to focus on one subproblem at a time
decomposebreaking down what you want to achieve with code into smaller sections that are each simpler to solve
subroutinecustom blocks of code that can be reused to allow a larged problem to be broken down into smaller subproblems
6i: Identify how subroutines can be used for decomposition
decompositionbreaking down a larger problem into smaller subproblems, each of which are easier to solve than the overall problem.
parametersdata that is sent into a subroutine to customise how it works
subroutinea custom block of code which can be reused and given a name to help simplify and decompose a larger program
subroutine callthe part of the code that tells the program to actually execute the subroutine
subroutine definitionthe part of the code that tells the program what to do when the subroutine is executed
6j: Identify where condition-controlled iteration can be used in a program
conditionan expression which results in an answer of either true or false
condition controlleda type of iteration which executes a set of instructions repeatedly until a condition is met
identifywrite down or point out
iterationrepeatedly executing instructions
programan algorithm which has been turned into code which can be executed on a computer
6k: Evaluate which type of iteration is required in a program
condition controlleda type of iteration which runs a set of instructions until a condition is met
count controlleda type of iteration which runs a set of instructions a specific number of times
evaluatelook at the strengths and weaknesses of all the possibilities decide which is most suitable
iterationrepeatedly executing instructions
programan algorithm which has been turned into code that can be run on a computer
6l: Define a list
indexthe position of any data stored in a list (where 0 mean the first item in the list)
lista collection of related elements that are referred to by a single variable name
valuethe data stored in a list
variable namethe identifier that can be used to refer to all values stored in a list
6m: Describe the need for lists
addputting a new value into a list
indexthe position in a list to look at or change
iterategoing through each value stored in a list to search for or process data
lista data structure which can store more than one value in a specific order
lookupgetting a value from a list at a specific index
modifychanging a value stored in a list
removedeleting a value from a list
searchfinding data by iterating through each value stored in a list and checking if it matches what you're looking for
sortarranging the values stored in a list so that they are in order
6n: Identify when lists can be used in a program
individual valuea single piece of data which can be stored in a variable
lista data structure which can store more than one value on a specific order
multiple valuesmore than one piece of data which can be stored in a list
variablea named location in memory that can be used to store a value or a list of values which might change when a program runs
6o: Implement a list
indexthe position within a list that tells the program which value to look at or change
lengththe number of values stored in a list
lista data structure which can store more than one value in a specific order
namethe identifier of a list which should describe the data that it stores
valuesthe data that is stored inside a list