Python for GCSE

1: Getting Started

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1.1: understand the basic concept of the python programming language.
Getting Started
high leveltype of programming language which is easy for humans to read but which hides some of the detail of how the processor actually operates to simplify writing programs
low leveltype of programming language which is hard for humans to read but which gives you complete control over each aspect of how the processor actually operates.
programming languagea way of describing algorithms using code that can be run on a computer
pythonexample of a high level programming language
sequencerunning lines of code in a specific order
1.2: be able to assign and use variables
Getting Started
assignmentsetting the value of a variable
constantnamed memory location used to store a data value which is set once then never changes
identifierthe name of a variable or constant
naming conventionset of rules to follow when choosing names for variables or constants
valuethe data stored inside a variable
variablenamed memory location used to store a data value which can change while a program runs
1.3: Input and output to the python console
Getting Started
consolepart of the screen which allows the user to interact with text based python programs
editorpart of the screen which allows the user to edit python code
inputreading data from the user into a program
outputsending data out from a program to a user
processusing data to make calculations
REPLread evaluate print loop which allows you to run one line of code at a time
syntax highlightingusing different colours to help programmers understand code and spot errors
1.4: be able to understand and use arithmetic operators
Getting Started
-=decrease by
**exponent (raise to the power)
+add together
+=increase by
arithmetic operatorsymbol which tells python to perform a maths calculation with two values