OCR A Level Computer Science

1.4: Data types, data structures and algorithms

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1.4.1a: Primitive data types, integer, real/floating point, character, string and Boolean.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.1b: Represent positive integers in binary.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.1c: Use of sign and magnitude and two's complement to represent negative numbers in binary.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.1d: Addition and subtraction of binary integers.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.1e: Represent positive integers in hexadecimal.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.1f: Convert positive integers between binary hexadecimal and denary.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.1g: Representation and normalisation of floating point numbers in binary.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.1h: Floating point arithmetic, positive and negative numbers, addition and subtraction.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.1i: Bitwise manipulation and masks: shifts, combining with AND, OR, and XOR.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.1j: How character sets (ASCII and UNICODE) are used to represent text.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.2a: Arrays (of up to 3 dimensions), records, lists, tuples.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.2b: The following structures to store data: linked-list, graph (directed and undirected), stack, queue, tree, binary search tree, hash table.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.2c: How to create, traverse, add data to and remove data from the data structures mentioned above. (NB this can be either using arrays and procedural programming or an object-oriented approach).
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.3a: Define problems using Boolean logic.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.3b: Manipulate Boolean expressions, including the use of Karnaugh maps to simplify Boolean expressions.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.3c: Use the following rules to derive or simplify statements in Boolean algebra: De Morgan's Laws, distribution, association, commutation, double negation.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.3d: Using logic gate diagrams and truth tables.
Data types, data structures and algorithms
1.4.3e: The logic associated with D type flip flops, half and full adders.
Data types, data structures and algorithms