OCR A Level Computer Science

1.2.1c: Interrupts, the role of interrupts and Interrupt Service Routines (ISR), role within the Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle.

Software and software development
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Fetch-Decode-Execute CycleThe sequence of steps that the CPU follows to execute a program. The cycle consists of three stages: fetching the next instruction from memory, decoding the instruction to determine its meaning, and executing the instruction. Interrupts can occur at any point in the fetch-decode-execute cycle and cause the CPU to execute an ISR instead of the next instruction in the program.
InterruptA signal that interrupts the normal flow of a computer's operations and causes the CPU to execute a special routine called an interrupt service routine (ISR).
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)A special routine that is executed by the CPU when an interrupt is received. The ISR typically performs some necessary action and then returns control to the main program.
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