KS3 Computing

IT: Information Technology

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IT01: undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users
Information Technology
applicationa program that can be controlled by a user on a computer
datafiles, values and code stored on a computer
desktopa type of device which is designed to be powerful rather than portable
laptopa type of portable device with a screen and attached keyboard
mobilea type of device which is designed to fit in your pocket
purposethe thing a piece of work is trying to achieve
tableta type of portable device with a touch screen but no keyboard
target audiencethe person or people who a piece of work is designed for
IT02: create, re-use, revise and re-purpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability
Information Technology
accuracya measure of how whether or not something is factually correct
biasa measure of how unbalanced or unfair somone's view is (based on their background, job, religion or political viewpoint)
copyrightlaw that protects the rights of someone who created a digital artefact to be known as the author and control how it is used by anyone else.
designthe decisions which affect the layout and content of a digital artefact
digital artefacta piece of work created on a computer
domain namethe first part of a URL which indicates which company or web server is hosting a file or service
purposethe thing a piece of work is trying to achieve
reliabilitya measure of how likely it is to be correct based on who's written it or when it was written
target audiencethe person or people who a piece of work is designed for
URLthe address of a file or web page which can be accessed over the Internet
usabilitythe decisions which affect how easy to understand and use a digital artefact is