KS3 Computing

CS07: design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions

Computer Science
Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
algorithmstep by step instructions to solve a problem
functiona section of code that has been given a name which can be used more than once in a program in order to calculate and return a value.
identifierthe name of a function or procedure that describes what it does
modulara type of program that has been split up into reusable parts, called procedures and functions
naming conventionthe set of rules a programmer should follow when choosing variable names
procedurea section of code that has been given a name which can be used more than once in a program in order to do something useful.
programlines of program code which follow an algorithm in a way can be run
return valuedata that gets sent back from a function to the part of the code that called it
Keyword games: