iMedia R093

3.4.2: Intellectual property rights

Pre-production planning
Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
attributiona type of restriction to a creative commons licence which means other people can only use your work if they publicly give credit to you
copyrightthe legal right for the creator of a recording, book, film or piece of artwork over their work for a fixed number of years after its creation
creative commonsa type of licence agreement which -unlike copyright- allows other people to use a creative product but with certain restrictions
fair dealingan exception to the law which allows for a reasonable and appropriate part of a piece of copyright material to be used for education, non commercial research or helping disabled people
feesthe amount of money that someone has to pay in order to get permission to use something
ideaa concept, which cannot be protected by copyright law
intellectual propertylegal protections including copyright, patents and trademarks
licence(noun) a legal agreement which says who can use something as well as how it can be used
license(verb) to give someone permission to use or perform something in a certain way
no derivativesa type of restriction to a creative commons licence which means your work can't be adapted by anyone else in their own work
non commerciala type of restriction to a creative commons licence which prevents others from using your work for business purposes
parodyan exception to the law where a limited part of a copyright material can be used in a funny way as long as it is considered fair dealing
patentlegal ownership of an idea which allows the holder to benefit financially by controlling other people's use of that idea
permissionsa list of how something can be used legally
share alikea type of restriction to a creative commons licence which means other people can only use your work in projects that they then share under a similar creative commons licence
trademarklegal ownership of a word or phrase associated with a company or product
watermarkssome text or a picture that is superimposed above a picture to prevent it being used without permission
Keyword games: