Edexcel GCSE Computer Science

5.3.2: understand what is meant by the world wide web (WWW) and components of the WWW (web server URLs, ISP, HTTP, HTTPS, HTML)

Communication and the Internet
Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
BrowserApplication software that a user uses to access the WWW
Domain namethe name of a web server or computer that can be used instead of an IP address
Domain Name Servicethe process of using a domain name to look up the IP address of a computer connected to the Internet
Hyper Text Markup Languagethe way of describing the content and structure of web pages in the world wide web
Hyper Text Transfer Protocolthe set of rules used to request and transmit data across the WWW
Protocol identifierThe first part of a URL which describes whether the resource should be requested using http, https or ftp
Uniform Resource Locatora unique name for a page or file that can be accessed over the WWW
Web pagean online resource that can contain text, graphics, video and sound and can be accessed via the WWW
World Wide Webservice which runs on the Internet to provide access to web pages, files and other data
Keyword games: