Edexcel GCSE Computer Science

5.2.2: understand security issues associated with the cloud and other contemporary storage

Communication and the Internet
Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
Abstractionhiding unnecessary detail (e.g. what type of device data is actually stored on within a cloud computing service) in order to focus on what's important (e.g. data can be saved without needing a local storage device)
Always connecteda feature of cloud storage which makes it easier for both users and hackers to access compared to local storage devices
Cloudusing networked servers to provide storage and software services
Contemporary storageusing cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Docs to replace local storage with virtualised network storage
Credentialsusername and passwords that provide access to a file or service
Encryptiona feature of cloud storage which makes it more secure because data can only be accessed with the right credentials
Virtualisationa type of abstraction where the true nature of a physical device is hidden from the user to share resources or simplify management. E.g. one physical server might be split into multiple virtual servers: one for each customer or web site that uses it.
Keyword games: