Edexcel GCSE Computer Science

3.4.2: understand how a Caesar cipher algorithm works

Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
13special Caesar shift that is reversible using the same Caesar shift
26Special Caesar shift that has no impact (letters are shifted all the way back round the alphabet)
Caesar cipheran algorithm that shifts each letter a message along the alphabet by a certain number of letters (e.g. A becomes B)
Caesar shiftthe number of characters that each letter of a message is moved along the alphabet by in a caesar cipher
Cipheralgorithm used to encode or encrypt data
Decodealgorithm that is used to transform data back to its original form (without a password)
Decryptalgorithm that uses a password to make secure data readable
Encodealgorithm that is used to transform data from one form to another (without a password)
Encryptalgorithm that makes data very difficult to understand without a password
Keyword games: