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About BibleChallenge

Explore the Bible's New Testament in a year

BibleChallenge is a project set up by Pete and Jen Dring that aims to create a simple-to-use app to help people engage with the Bible.

We love hearing people's stories about how God challenges and changes the way we think, love, act and react. We have some amazing friends who've let the love of God shape their families, careers, finances and relationships. We have some equally amazing friends and colleagues who haven't had the time to explore the bible for themselves and who've never considered it relevant to the challenges that make modern life so busy.

We wanted to create a free and easily accessible app where we can bring these two groups of people together: where people who are willing to explore the bible for themselves can hear or read some honest reflections from people from all walks of life on each chapter of the New Testament.

Our challenge is to badger enough of our friends into writing and recording how a short section of the Bible impacts the way they live in the modern world. We want to know how Jesus' life and teachings is relevant to financial struggles. We want to know how overworked doctors, underpaid cleaners, overstretched parents and underappreciated teaching assistants can all find hope, love, forgiveness, meaning and value from a dusty book written several millennia ago.

The final product will be an app (Android / iOS) that we aim to launch in Jan 2019.