
5g: Perform common operations on strings or individual characters

Test your self on these keywords and definitions using the games below or Play random game
=operator used to assign a string to be stored in a variable
==operator which can compare two strings to see if they are identical
charactera single letter, numerical digit, punctuation mark or space
concatenatejoining together two strings with the + operator to make one new, longer string
indexthe position within a string (where 0 is the first character)
lenbuilt in python function which can work out how long a string is by counting all of the characters
lowera method that can be called for any string which converts each character into lowercase letters
stringa type of data which is made up of zero or more characters
substringa smaller part of a string (for example one or more characters in a sentence)
uppera method that can be called for any string which converts each character into uppercase letters
variablea named memory location that can be used to store strings or other data
Keyword games: