OCR A Level Computer Science

2.2: Problem solving and programming

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2.2.1a: Programming constructs: sequence, iteration, branching.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.1b: Recursion, how it can be used and compares to an iterative approach.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.1c: Global and local variables.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.1d: Modularity, functions and procedures, parameter passing by value and by reference.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.1e: Use of an IDE to develop/debug a program.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.1f: Use of object oriented techniques.
Problem solving and programming
AttributeA named value (like a variable) associated with an object
Base classThe highest level ancestor of a class, which does not inherit from any other class
ClassA template which defines the methods and attributes for each object of that type
ConstructorA method which is called when a new instance of a class is created
EncapsulationWrapping a private attribute with a public method in order to control limit access or control behaviour
Get methodA form of encapsulation where an object's private attribute can be read via a public method
InheritanceA way of defining classes so that 'child' classes can extend the functionality of 'parent' classes without having to redefine all of the methods and attributes.
InstantiationCreating a new object by calling the constructor for a class
MethodCode (like a function or procedure) associated with an object
ObjectAn individual instance of a class which can contain both data (attributes) and functionality (methods)
Object OrientedA way of organising data and behaviour into real life objects
OverridingReplacing a method inherited from another class with a new implementation
PolymorphismAn OOP concept where one class can have many different forms of the same method, each accepting different types or numbers of parameters. Alternatively, where methods/attributes within objects of different classes can be accessed in a common way.
PrivateAccess modifier that indicates that a method or attribute can only be accessed from inside the same class
ProtectedAccess modifier that indicates that a method or attribute can only be accessed from inside the same class or any class which inherits from it.
PublicAccess modifier that indicates that a method or attribute can be accessed from any other class
RecordData structure which groups together multiple related values. Like a class but without any methods.
Set methodA form of encapsulation where an object's private attribute can be modified via a public method
Sub classA class that inherits methods and attributes from a parent class
Super classThe parent class that attributes / methods are inherited from
2.2.2a: Features that make a problem solvable by computational methods.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.2b: Problem recognition.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.2c: Problem decomposition.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.2d: Use of divide and conquer.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.2e: Use of abstraction.
Problem solving and programming
2.2.2f.a: Learners should apply their knowledge of backtracking, data mining, heuristics
Problem solving and programming
2.2.2f.b: Learners should apply their knowledge of performance modelling, pipelining and visualisation to solve problems.
Problem solving and programming