DL: Digital Literacy

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DL1: Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
Digital Literacy
advertisingcompanies can use computers to try to persuade people to buy the things that they sell
emailpeople can send and receive messages to each other over the Internet instead of posting letters
fundraisingcharities can use computers to tell people about what they do and raise money to help
gamingpeople can use computers to have fun or play with each other online
Information Technologyusing computers to help people, families and businesses live, work and share things online
social mediapeople can share pictures, video or messages with each other online to keep in touch or work together
surveyspeople can use computers to get lots of people to answer the same questions to help them understand something better
video conferencingpeople can see each other and talk rather than having to be in the same building for a meeting
web sitespeople can find out almost anything on the Internet or create their own pages online
DL2: Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content on the internet or other online technologies
Digital Literacy
being respectfulsaying or sharing things online that you'd like other people to say about you (being polite and kind)
blockingwhen you stop someone from being able to message you online
CEOPa website that you can use to report anything to the police if you've seen something you're worried about online
Childlinea charity that you can talk to online or on the phone (0800 1111) if you're worried about anything online
cyber bullyingwhen someone uses phones or the Internet to be mean to someone else
digital technologyanything that uses computers or the Internet
Parentssomeone you might see regularly at home who you can talk to if you are worried about anything online
personal informationinformation about someone like their name, address or age
privatesomething that nobody else should be able to see
publicsomething that anybody else will be able to see
reportingwhen you tell someone about something you're worried about online
staying safemaking sure that the only people who can talk to you or see you online are people who you trust (like your teachers and family)
Teachersomeone you might see regularly at school who you can talk to if you are worried about anything online